
Rest from Threshold training, no Laurels

Rest week is taking on a new meaning for me as I go. I still plan to maintain reduced intensity through next Tuesday. However there are gains to be had while my body is recovering from repeated Threshold training.

This week, I'm focusing on neuromuscular training. Part of this is on the rollers. I'm still keeping my HR in an active recovery mode. But the rollers give me the opportunity to work on my spin at various cadences. Also, I work on balance tasks to improve my bike handling skills.

Last night, I completed a 45 minute workout on the rollers. The intensity was low/moderate so my acute training load came down a bit. I keep track of my training load so that I can determine the needed exercise intensity as I go forward.

I'll probably ride Saturday morning. Most likely, it will be alone so I can work to keep my intensity low. This week it would be too easy to over do it.

Cycling is just about fitness. It's a skill sport! It's a sport is discipline. It's a thinking sport.

A couple years ago, I hear Phil Liggett describe cycling as a "30mph chess match". I think that describes it.


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