
Rooster ride

Not quite in the lead group today...but better. My performance has definitely improved with the wattage training. I was able to stay attached until the road turned up a bit. Today was the hardest that I have ridden all year and it felt good.

I set an intermediate goal for a CP20 of 300 watts. I'm only 32 watts away. I have training sessions scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday evening. This is my third week of prescribed wattage training. It's also the end of my first "period". Next week, I'll be changing things up a bit to give my muscles and joints a bit of a chance to catch up.

I'm very close to being ready to take on clients for coaching. Within the next few weeks, I should have everything in place to support 2-3 athletes. My coaching philosophy is going to be multifaceted. There are many aspects to training besides being told to ride harder and longer.


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