
Voluntary Flogging aka "Rooster Ride"

I think a sharp stick in the eye would have felt better that the 24+mph average rooster ride this morning.

Yes, I'm still getting dropped on the hills. Today, it was bad luck. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Overall, I still think I'm making progress towards greater fitness.

After today, I'm looking forward to rest week. I still have 3-4 rides/workouts before rest week begins. I can tell you that I'm ready.

In retrospect, I'm very satisfied with my progress. 10 weeks ago, I would get dropped without hope of bridging back to the leaders. Now, with some good breaks, I finish in the lead group. Looking forward, I still see the potential for significant improvement. Even though the peak of race season is over, I'm looking to be ready for the LA/MS Criterium Championships on July 22nd. That will be my first race.


Blogger scott said...

good ride, theres plenty of race season left though

11:05 AM  

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