
The thin line between success and STUPID

Cycling is a sport of skill, of logic, of discipline and... of fitness. Being fit is great, but it can only cover up so much "stupid". One bad decision can make the difference between a podium appearance or being pack filler. And, in my case, today was a great example.

I haven't attacked all year. Mostly because I haven't had the fitness. When you lack fitness, you don't have as many opportunities to be stupid. But, recently, my fitness has improved and I thought I would roll one out to see what happened. I spent most of the ride on the ragged trailing edge of the lead group. Several times, I got gapped and had to fight back to get in the group. Somewhere towards the end of the ride, hypoxia took over and I attacked up one of the little hills coming back into town. It felt great!!! I looked back and I has a sizable gap. But, then...the CHECK ENGINE light came on. I was gone! No power!. The group easily caught me. I laughed as they passed. I didn't have the power to jump on. They just rode away.

Long story short. I'm not back just yet. But, I'm fit enough to be stupid. If I keep it under control, thing will continue to improve and my fitness will cover some of the stupid and I'll finish well.

Training plan looking forward. My next workout will be a CP20 workout at 282 tomorrow night. I'll try to add in a few 333 watt intervals as well. Then, I will partake of a well deserved rest for 2 days. This week has been one of my hardest training cycles. I have a rest week scheduled for June 27-July 1.

ibike update. I rec'd a nice email from a guy in Georgia. It's his understanding that the power meters will be shipped soon. :) He's been in the same predicament. Once it arrives, it will give great insight to my road rides.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've got to roll the dice in any case. Attacks aren't always about fitness, a lot of the time they're about luck and timing. If you get caught, it's a good less. Every now and then (esp in Cat 4) if you can get a good gap, the pack will forget about you because no one wants to chase.

2:21 PM  

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