iBike news - I wish it were good!
As many of you are aware, I've been waiting for the release of the iBike Pro. It's the latest entry into the cycling power meter market. Originally, it was to be released in October, 2005. However, when they demo'd the product at interbike 2005, they realized that they had more work to do. They went back to the drawing board and worked to improve the durability of the device. Since that time, they have delayed shipment multiple times for one problem or another.
As I understood it, the devices were suppose to ship last week. But, due to some newly discovered bugs, release was delayed again. I exchanged emails with John Hamman. He is one of the principles of iBike Sports/Velocomp. He sounded pretty frustrated. However, his response to my questions centered around a desire to release a quality product. He is willing to deal with the delays if it assures that the iBike does it's job correctly. He said that he has tested the product against the Ergomo and the results are within 1%. That sounds pretty good. When I asked about timeframes, he was reluctant to say anything. He's hoping that it will be soon.
So do I.
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