Still getting dropped/Krispy Kreme
This is a bit late but, I thought I would make an entry regardless. Yesterday's Rooster Ride was a bit more civil than most. Will H. was in from Montgomery which typically means that the heat is on. But, Will and Scott both played safe most of way out. It heated up as usual once we got past Schillinger.
For the most part, I felt good. I was able to make a few fast pulls. Once again, I got gapped on the hills. It looks like a good time to insert some shorter/more intense intervals for to increase my 30 second to 3 minute power. Also, as the weight continues to come off, the hills will get easier.
Speaking of weight...A friend of the family brought a dozen KK doughnuts by the house last night. I lack discipline with regard to a few things. KK doughnuts are definitely on the list. Lets just say that they were calling my name.
Tonight, I'll be doing some power testing to assist with determining my shorter duration power interval levels. It will be good information to report.
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