
280 is more that I thought

It's important that you respond to failure in a positive way.

I use an excel spreadsheet to help me predict my workouts. After I completed my 276 watt workout, the calculations showed that I was ready for 278 watts. I've been so eager to break into the 280's, I disregarded the calculations and made the jump. I was mistaken. I only lasted 13 minutes. My goal is 20 minutes. If I exceed the goal by 3 minutes, I can move up in wattage.

I won't have a chance to run at 280 again until Sunday evening. Tomorrow morning I'll be on the road for 3-4 hours.

On another topic. I'm doing research on predictive interval training for intervals less than 3 minutes. You might be surprised to know that you don't have to go all out to reap the rewards of high intensity training. There's more to study. I need to do some baseline tests to give specifics. Look for more information soon.


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