Minor adjustments
Last night, I completed my workout and exceeded my target! Recently I've started to feel a strain on my hamstring tendons as the wattaged has increased over the last week. It doesn't really bother me on the road. Also, I notice it more when I'm in the drops. Most likely, this is a result of rolling my pelvis forward a bit as I get in the drops. Rolling forward moves the ischial tuberosities back putting additional tension on the hamstring musculature.
I lowered my saddle 1mm and got back in the drops. It was much more comfortable. I'll try it for about a week to determine the effect.
As I said, I completed my 276 watt workout last night. Tonight, I'll be shooting for 280. I'm just ready to get into the 280's. In addition, I'm going to add a shorter duration interval work out once a week. I'll probably do it on Sundays.
I've been off my rest break for more than week. My training stress scores are starting to increase again. That is good. I'm going to let them accumulate more during this training cycle to see how I respond.
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