
Modified Conconi Test Results

Personally, I was a bit disappointed with my test performance. But, the facts are the facts. Now I have a short duration interval baseline. I'll test again in a couple weeks.

The Modified Conconi Test is a wattage based test that increases resistance by 10 watts every minute. I made it to the 330watt step and failed. 320 watts was my last successful step.

I followed up with a duration test. I set the computrainer to 320 watts and rode as long as I could. With the computrainer set to 320, I was able to ride 2min, 23 sec. Also, I took some HR data from the Conconi Test.

With this data in hand, I can do programmed interval training. Over the next few weeks, I plan to increase my training intensity. Also, I plan to increase my rest time. I will be riding Saturday - Tuesday with rather high intensity and doing active recovery or resting Wednesday-Friday.

As I said before, I was a bit disappointed but it's a place to start and I will adjust the intensity of the workouts once I retest in a couple weeks.

Here are the goals of this training program.
I am riding well at high speeds. However, when there's a surge, I get dropped. Doing high intensity work will help me stay with the lead group when the heat gets turned up a bit.


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