
Rest week and vacation become a seductive mixture

sodas, food, sodas, lots of food, sodas etc.

As vacations go, it was good to be away from the grind for a while. However, it was a horrible rest week. I ate and drank like each meal was my last. From a nutrition stand point, it was a plus 3lb. week! Resort meals and fast food pack it on in a hurry. It's no wonder that the fast food generation is overweight.

We drove 12 hours from Corpus Christi to Mobile yesterday. As you can suspect, I didn't complete my Sunday evening workout. Or, lets say that I completed my workout by laying on the couch.

It's so good to be home. My house, my couch, MY BED!

On the training front. I eagerly wait for the ibike today. My wife is on order to call me as soon as it arrives. I'll start the next training period with the Rooster ride in the morning. It will be a rude awakening to rested muscles.


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