I want to stay consistent with my opinion
While this hasn't been my fastest year as a cyclist, it's still been satisfactory. Meaning, it's met my satisfaction. I want to be consistent with my opinion of some of the faster local rides.
In the past, riders have complained that the Rooster Ride is too fast and it's not a ride that fosters community. In the past, I was one of the guys in the lead group. It was easy for me to say, "Other riders need to focus their training and ride faster". Now, the tables have turned. I think the Rooster Ride is faster than it's ever been. I've been dropped the last two weeks simply because the faster riders rode away from me. This past Tuesday, we were doing 32mph and I was way above red line. The check engine light came on and I had to slow down. One of the riders mentioned that he averaged 25.5mph for the entire ride. That included red lights and the re-group point at the gas station.
After I got dropped, I hooked up with another rider and we averaged 23 all the way home. I remember when 23-24 was the maximum speed on a Tuesday morning. We need to remember that the Rooster ride is 25-30% faster than it was 8 years ago.
So, here's my opportunity to be consistent. It's time to take a look at the training, re-focus and ride faster. I need to go back to the basics and assess Biomechanics, neuromuscular control, my training plan, nutrition, rest and motivation. When you start to consider everything that has a impact on your training, it's mind boggling.
I spoke to a friend on Monday. We were talking about athletes who take time off to re-group. He mentioned Tiger Woods.
2-3 years ago, Tiger took time off to re-address how he played the sport of golf. Everyone thought that he was over and done with. Tiger knew that he could improve and he did. If you watch golf, you know that this has been a very impressive year for him.
The time is coming, during the off season, to re-address the things that limit performance. Strength, flexibility, balance, coordination etc. If these are missing, you will only rise to the level of mediocrity. Take consideration of everything that impacts your performance. Correct it if it's out of line and perform better in the future.
Then, ride away from the crowd on the Tuesday morning Rooster Ride.
rooster has always been, and will always be, the ride where you must improve & remain strong to stay with the group. It should never be dumbed-down (except after the LAST race of the season). If you cannot hang, train harder.
but yes, its gotten much faster
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