
Ed pips Tom at the line.

I must say that last night's bean burrito eating contest was very exciting. It was dominated by a strong Mobile Velo presence. The two-man breakaway formed early. It was the brother's Chapman off the front. This was a sprint event and Tom and Ed were in a class by themselves. Nick and Willie did an effective job monitoring the peleton and maintaining order.

At the 2-minute mark, Ed was working on his second burrito and Tom was finishing his first. Ed was being forced to do all the work on the front while Tom remained about 1 bite behind. Ed was spirited on by Floyd Landis' huge victory at the Tour de France today.

Vomit buckets were provided by the race organizers. However, they weren't nesessary during the competition.

The 5-minute mark was announced and Ed was well into his 3rd burrito. Tom was closing. With three bites to go, Tom surged and tried to take the lead. He got pipped at the line when Ed took the last two bites to finish the race. Tom finished 1/2 bite behind only to see his brother move on to district competition.

Nick and Willie DNF'd. But their work was done and it was another great team victory.

Thanks to Mo's Southwestern Grill.

Provisional finishing times:
Ed 5:50
Tom 6:00
Nick DNF
Willie DNF

Previous record set at Shillinger Rd: 6:47. Ed surpassed this time by almost a minute.


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