ibike update
I've been a bit vague with regard to the ibike. Mainly because I didn't completely understand what was going on with the device and I didn't want to speak negatively until I had all the facts. I knew that it wasn't working properly, but didn't know why. As it turns out, the ibike was measuring wattage on acceleration and on climbs, but it was showing "0" for wattage on the flats. I exchanged a couple emails with John Hamman of Velocomp(manufacturer of the ibike). He cleared it up for me.
On July 4th, Velocomp sent out a firmware update. I loaded it but I didn't follow the instuctions completely. I completed the task correctly and things appear to be working correctly on cursury review. I rode the bike around the neighborhood with the kids and I was getting a wattage reading the entire time. Things look good.
1) Is the ibike a viable power training tool. Yes, I think so. I still need to go out on a training ride now that the problems are fixed.
2) The firmware update appears to have fixed the problem once I followed the procedure correctly
3) The issues appear to be fixed.
At this point, I'm looking forward to using the ibike on a regular basis to gain a greater understanding of the device. Now that the problems appear to be fixed, it looks like I'll be able to pass along viable information.
There are separate discussions on topica (wattage) and a few reports here and there on cyclingforums.com and dailypeloton forums section.
On topica, the discussion seems more scientific than real world reviews/comments and the otehrs don't have enough data yet to have a decent comparison/review going.
maybe start an official thread somewhere and hopfully it catches on. Suggest cycling forums as I've seen the ibike guy on there along with a few real world clients.
ibike folks are going to let me know when the topica listserve is ready to go.
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