
Mountain Bike Fit

There's not a lot of information about being fit proper on your mountain bike. I have to say that 99% of my clients come in for their TT or road fit. Most of the articles are written for the narrow tire guys(and ladies of course).

Here are some general rules about MTB fit compared to TT or road
  1. Crank length should be the same for all bikes. See my previous post
  2. The saddle position should position the rider so that they go through the same movement pattern on each bike( as close as possible). This doesn't mean that the saddle will be the same height compared to the bottombracket. Actually, it will be a bit lower on the MTB compared to the road or TT because the pedals are further apart.
  3. Handlebar height is set so that the shoulders are in a 90 degree position
  4. Handlebar width is based on shoulder width

Recently, I purchased a 26" MTB rear wheel with a slick tire. Now, I have the ability to set the bike up on the computrainer without any worries. I look forward to helping the MTB riders achieve their riding goals in the same fashion as the road and TT riders.

Pedaling effectiveness is just as important on a mountain bike as it is on the road. Don't waste your effort with poor technique.