
I miss Gulf Coast Cycle Fit

The family and I have been in Colorado Springs for seven months now. It totally feels like we are living "on vacation". In addition to working, we've been skiing, hiking, climbing, road cycling, mountain biking. It's what I've always dreamed about.

I'm in a bit of a cross roads. Gulf Coast Cycle Fit has ended in Mobile and I've always felt like there would be a time that I would start it back up in our new location. That's easier said than done. It's not like I can walk into any of the local bike shops and say "Hi, I'm David and I owned Gulf Coast Cycle Fit". Even if I was able to schedule an appointment with a client, our new house doesn't have any lab space for fitting or video work. So, I wait. I wait for God to open the door for the next step.

Gulf Coast Cycle Fit was always a ministry for me. It was a way for me to help folks accomplish goals in their lives. It also gave me a way to get to know clients and talk about things that are more important than cycling(If that's possible). I have to say that I miss it. As times goes by, I feel the knowledge seeping away. It's not a feeling that I enjoy.

So, what's going to happen next? I have to say that I don't know. I do know that I have enjoyed the opportunity to get in more riding time. I enjoy the feel of the road and trails under my wheels. One day, I'll get back to helping others enjoy the sport like I do.

So, here are the things that I pray about with regard to bike fitting and technique training.
Lord Jesus, you know how bike fitting and training blessed me and how much I enjoyed blessing others. Is it your purpose for me to leave it in the past or will it return? If it is going to return, who is the population and where will it exist. Is it going to be a career or a hobby? If it's something that I need to leave in the past, let me know so that I can move on to other area of service in your Kingdom.

With or without bike fitting and technique training, cycling is still the best sport on the planet.


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