
Robin and Dr. Phil

This is way off topic. It doesn't have anything to do with bikes, power meters, bike fit, coaching or anything that may remotely resembling these topics. You have been warned, however, I hope it makes you think.

Regardless of what you think about daytime television or the people that watch it, I hope I can bring something to the surface that has lasting value and weight. While I love cycling, there are many things that are much more important to me. Values, principles, integrity...these are the structure upon which you can build any application in life.

Deny it if you want. But, I know that most of you have watched at least one episode of Dr. Phil. Regardless of what you think about his program, there is something of value that you should take away from his show.

Notice this.
Every woman in the audience loves Dr. Phil's wife Robin.

They love and envy her because of the relationship that she has with him. Take notice, this guy is a complete reversal of american culture. He's bald, he's not particulary fit and he's not attractive. Why would a woman be of her beauty be attracted to this man and why would other women be envious of her relationship with him? Here's my question to you. Are other women envious of your wife because she has you? What would make you worth that?

Here are the answers. You have to decide now if you have what it takes to reach this level.

Dr. Phil is a man who knows what he believes. He has public standards that he is not ashamed of sharing. He believes what he teaches and lives it. He has priorities that put his relationship with his wife at the very top of all human relationships. And lastly, he does all of this without selling out. How do I know this is true? Because there is no amount of acting that could train Robin to look at him the way she does if it were any other way. Indeed, every other woman on the planet would see right through her and call her a fraud.

While you probably slander him while in a group of your friends, secretly, you wish that you could be a man that stands for something. Something that is lasting and full of integrity. You can. That potential is within each of us. There is so much more to be said but hopefully this blog has made you think.


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