

It's been a long time since I've done strength training. I've forgotten about the muscle pain that follows. Maybe that's what attracts me to cycling. Typically, there's very little in the way of muscle pain.

But, strength training is an element of this year's off season training plan. So, I'm committed to a regular strength training regimen.

I've done quite a bit of research on different strength training exercises. I don't have the time to go to a gym and lift weights. I've never enjoyed being in a gym anyway. All of my strength training exercise are body weight related. Body weight exercises typically incorporate higher repititions, balance skills and a certain amount of flexibility. I've incorporated four exercises at this point. Hindu squats, plyometric pushups(on an incline), Hindu pushups, and chin ups. The Hindu squats and pushups come from a guy named Matt Furey(www.mattfurey.com). Ross Enamait is another guy with a ton of great body weight exercises(www.rossboxing.com). Take a look at both sights. Ross' sight has more video to give you ideas of how you can incorporate strength training into your winter program.

I believe that you should research everything. Then eat the meat and spit out the bones. If you are going to include strength training into your cycling program, be sure to know why you are doing it. Just adding exercises without purpose is a waste of time and energy.


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