Just got fit!
Believe it or not. I just got fit myself.
Fitting yourself on your own bike is like cutting your own hair. It can be done but it won't be pretty.
Thanks to Jay for coming over and going through the process with me.
You have seen from previous blog entries that I've been working on my force production and pedaling efficiency. I think things are going to go even better now.
Prior to my fit, I was concerned that I needed a shorter crank. When in the drops, my thighs would come in contact with my abdomen. (You might say that this would be an abdomen issue!) I thought the shorter crank would be the ticket.
Any time your are moving at this speed, your body doesn't want to come in contact with itself. If if does come in contact with itself, you will compensate to prevent the contact. Ultimately that means that you will scrub power.
The biomechanics of my fit required that I raise my saddle about 1.5cm. It solved the problem of contact. When I ride in the drops, no contact!
I have tended to ride low on the bike for years. Now that my seat is higher, it's going to take a few weeks to become adjusted to the new position. I feel a bit weak in this currently but I can tell that it will work out in a few weeks. In spite of the weakness, my spin is balanced. I can easily pedal around the entire pedal stroke. That is promising!
I'll let you know my spinscan numbers as soon as I have time to do a test.