
It's too cold for October!

Forcast for tonight is 39 degrees. It's still October and it almost freezing. What happened to global warming?

After sleeping in this morning, I will be riding in the morning. Good news, the wind appears to be easing up a bit.

Here are the plans for the week. I've been doing a good deal of studying over the last few days. Power based training for cyclists appears to be the future. Dr. Andrew Coggan and Coach Joe Friel have a good deal of information on the subject. As I understand it, there are several power tests that should be performed to determine the athlete's power profile. These are maximal TT events for pre-determined time increments.

I'm planning to perform my first critical power test for 20 minutes sometime this week. After complete, I should have a good idea of the power zones that I need to train in.


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